2013.09-2017.06 安徽农业大学Bsports必一体育 本科
2017.09-2023.06 中国科学院南京土壤研究所 硕博连读
1. 研究方向:
2. 科研成果
1、 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41877512,区域大气沉降对土壤-作物系统镉铅循环过程的影响及其机制。主要参与
2、 江苏省重点研发计划项目,BE2021717,农田土壤重金属污染溯源及阻控作物重金属积累的生物技术研发。主要参与
3、 江苏省农业科技自主创新资金项目,CX(21)2034,江苏典型水稻田镉污染阻控与农田安全高效利用技术。主要参与
4、 中国科学院青年创新促进会人才项目,2019312,区域土壤污染空间过程与风险管理。主要参与
1. Peng Liu, Wenyou Hu, Kang Tian, Biao Huang, Yongcun Zhao, Xinkai Wang, Yunqiao Zhou, Bin Shi, Bong-Oh Kwon, Kyungsik Choi, Jongseong Ryu, Yong Chen, Tieyu Wang, Jong Seong Khim (2020). Accumulation and ecological risk of heavy metals in soils along the coastal areas of the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea: A comparative study of China and South Korea, Environment International, 137, 105519, 中科院一区
2. Peng Liu, Qiumei Wu, Wenyou Hu, Kang Tian, Biao Huang, Yongcun Zhao. Effects of atmospheric deposition on heavy metals accumulation in agricultural soils: Evidence from field monitoring and Pb isotope analysis (2023). Environmental Pollution, 330, 121740, 中科院二区Top
3. Peng Liu, Qiumei Wu, Xinkai Wang, Wenyou Hu, Xiaoyan Liu, Kang Tian, Ya'nan Fan, Enze Xie, Yongcun Zhao, Biao Huang, Seo Joon Yoon, Bong-Oh Kwon, Jong Seong Khim (2022). Spatiotemporal variation and sources of soil heavy metals along the lower reaches of Yangtze River, China, Chemosphere, 291(1), 132768, 中科院二区Top
4. Peng Liu, Qiumei Wu, Wenyou Hu, Kang Tian, Biao Huang, Yongcun Zhao (2023). Comparison of heavy metals in riverine and estuarine sediments in the lower Yangtze River: Distribution, sources, and ecological risks, Environmental Technology & Innovation, 30, 103076, 中科院二区
5. 刘鹏, 胡文友, 黄标, 刘本乐, 周怡. 大气沉降对土壤和作物中重金属富集的影响及其研究进展. 土壤学报, 2019, 56(05):1048-1059.
6. Lu Cao, Di Wu, Peng Liu, Wenyou Hu, Li Xu, Yicheng Sun, Qiumei Wu, Kang Tian, Biao Huang, Seo Joon Yoon, Bong-Oh Kwon, Jong Seong Khim, 2021. Occurrence, distribution and affecting factors of microplastics in agricultural soils along the lower reaches of Yangtze River, China. Science of the Total Environment 794.
7. Seongjin Hong, Youngnam Kim, Yeonjung Lee, Seo Joon Yoon, Changkeun Lee, Peng Liu, Bong-Oh Kwon, Wenyou Hu, Jong Seong Khim, 2022. Distributions and potential sources of traditional and emerging polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediments from the lower reach of the Yangtze River, China. Science of the Total Environment 815.
8. Kang Tian, Qiumei Wu, Peng Liu, Wenyou Hu, Biao Huang, Bin Shi, Yunqiao Zhou, Bong-Oh Kwon, Kyungsik Choi, Jongseong Ryu, Jong Seong Khim, Tieyu Wang, 2020. Ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in sediments and water from the coastal areas of the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea. Environment International 136
9. Qiumei Wu, Wenyou Hu, Huifeng Wang, Peng Liu, Xinkai Wang, Biao Huang, 2021. Spatial distribution, ecological risk and sources of heavy metals in soils from a typical economic development area, Southeastern China. Science of the Total Environment 780.
Seo Joon Yoon, Seongjin Hong, Seonju Kim, Jongmin Lee, Taewoo Kim, Beomgi Kim, Bong-Oh Kwon, Yunqiao Zhou, Bin Shi, Peng Liu, Wenyou Hu, Biao Huang, Tieyu Wang, Jong Seong Khim, 2020. Large-scale monitoring and ecological risk assessment of persistent toxic substances in riverine, estuarine, and coastal sediments of the Yellow and Bohai seas. Environment International 137.